Professional Boxing Photography by peep Newcastle.

Professional boxing photography, weigh-ins, press conferences and event marketing in Newcastle upon tyne by peep magazine.

Professional boxing photography, weigh-ins, press conferences and event marketing in Newcastle upon tyne by peep magazine.

Our professional boxing Photography journey started way back in 2013. We all loved the sport of professional Boxing here in the north east. peep loved it so much we thought we would try and reach out to local promoters such as Mark Clauzel ( Vision Health and Fitness Gym ), Phil Jeffries ( Summer Rumble Boxing ) and Dennis Hobson and of course Jobes Boxing Promotions Gym in Scotswood, Benwell ABC – in the hope they would need a professional boxing photographer, as there didn’t seem to be many about. In fact, there didn’t seem to be anyone around documenting the fighters or the events. . .

The sport of Boxing in newcastle upon tyne was a funny area to get involved with as it was kind of ‘if your face fits’ people loved you or they didn’t , without anyone really knowing you at all. Fortunately, for peep, the promoters and professional boxers boxers welcomed us with open arms, unfortunately, local media and other photographers not so much . We tried to get along with everyone, as we thought it was for the greater good of north east professional boxing events, but it wasn’t meant to be – peep went it alone and never looked back. It’s also worth mentioning here, that journalist and interviewer – Phil Lindsay was very well like and admired by all. His professional approach to interviewing boxers and amateurs alike, within the north east, was unparalleled and should not be under estimated. Phil Lindsay is the only person I know who can turn up to any event without knowing anyone, and talk for hours on end about each and every fighter, gym or previous event. This was supernatural journalism.

Fast forward a couple of years and peep would be documenting everything, and I mean everything! Fighters, gyms, events, training sessions, documentaries and full show professional boxing events with live commentary. peep present the very best in professional Boxing here in the North East of England. Including everything from European Champions to small hall tear-ups. Peep take you to the gyms, right through to full shows including live commentary with full-on promotion and marketing. peep became very good friends with British Champion – Lewis ‘Sandman’ Ritson. We got hired to became his ‘one-stop-media-business’ promoting everything from interviews, photography, documentaries and training videos. peep have an extended archive of Lewis throughout our peep channel and Flickr account. We really made a go of it. A lot has passed since our days of travelling from boxing gym to MMA gym and then to a Kickboxing Gym, but I guess times move on, and artistic visions keep moving forward. We wanted to explore new and creative platforms. Actually, we recently documented another Jobes Boxing promotions event, so never say never. . .

Unfortunately, we cannot showcase our complete archive within this section, but If you’re interested in seeing our complete Boxing photography archive click the link below. peep present the very best in professional Boxing here in the North East of England. Including everything from World title challenges, European Championship Boxing, Press Conferences, Training Videos, Weigh-Ins, Public Work-Outs, and White Collar – ‘Small Hall Tear-Ups’. Peep take you past the Gyms, right through to full shows including live commentary. Check them out. Professional Boxing Photography by peep Newcastle on flickr peep event coverage and many interviews completed by peep and Phil Lindsay. peep boxing journalism and events in Newcastle