Street Photography Examples. A Complete Guide To No Rules Journalism by peep® Newcastle upon Tyne.
Street Photography examples, Documentary photography or event photography should always be exciting and a little bit dangerous. Your heart has to be thumping when your taking street style photography or event photography. peep have been threatened many times whilst taking street photography examples or event photography and street style photography, it’s kind of part of the process, but you have to be careful and stand your ground, as there are no official rules of street photography, other than – Don’t be a pest, nobody likes that !
Street Photography Rules
There are so many things you have to take into consideration in the rules of street photography setting. We believe that the art to taking candid street photography is to be in the right place at the right time. Not an easy thing to do. This of course takes practice, but the more you familiarise yourself with your surroundings the better. By keeping an open mind and actually waiting for the right shot can be crucial. Things will eventually start presenting themselves to you. We call it ‘Gift from The Photography Gods’ This is when nobody on the entire planet will get this shot ! You have just positioned yourself to be in the perfect place. This is not luck. You have earned this ! This takes practice and experience. While we are on the subject of street photographers, peep magazine interviewed documentary photographer Gwen Brinton, as she talks exclusively to peep about her work and process. Check her out here Gwen Brinton Exit London.
What Is Street Photography
What is street photography I hear you say . . in our opinion, it’s creating some kind of narrative with people in the street. Yes, the street ! This does not mean simply taking photographs of people in the street with a whole lot of buildings in the background. I mean, the main focus here is people. Interesting people ! This could be people going to work, and outdoor event, or a social gathering. The main focus here is. . they don’t realise your taking their photograph, or they do realise and either don’t mind or they object to having their photography taken. peep think the rules of street photography are to take the sneaky photography and pretend you never did it at all. Sometimes , however it’s best to maybe strike up a conversation. You will then begin to understand the elements and building blocks of street photography rules.
peep have also worked in many photography settings, including product photography, sports photography, food and drink photography and of course street style photography. We have also worked many photography jobs and commissions (unlike many photographers these days). We never started our photography journey on Instagram either, playing around with filters trying to get the best possible shot or angle. F*!K that. Go out and meet people. Talk to them. Ask them – “Hey Can I Take Your Photograph You C**T“. This is the only way you are going to get street photography examples for your photography portfolio.
Then again, we are not ‘Photography Snobs‘ or ‘Media Snobs‘ either, hanging round camera stores wearing his and her North Face jackets talking about focal lengths and ISO settings….. with the most patronising camera shop assistant EVER ! We all know you bang the camera on ‘Auto‘ and shoot mountains all day and call yourself a professional photographer ! Nah, only joking, each to their own – we’re only having a laugh. That’s what photography is all about right?
The point is, it should always be experimenting with street photography and please don’t let anybody tell you different. Photography should be fun and you should be practising every time you point the camera in that direction. This is the only way you will get better at what your doing. peep are still learning new things and still making mistakes as the photography landscape is constantly changing in regards to what is current and what is traditional etc. WATCH my recent interview with music photographer NORMSKI here Normski talks about his music photography
Please feel free to check out our street photography examples. Theres more work on our peep flickr page some of the work we have produced over the years. Some good , some bad. You decide ! If you have examples yourself and would like them shown within our peep magazine, then please feel free to contact us at