Ghost Hunter Rob Davies talks Newcastle’s most haunted buildings.RAF Hitchhiker

Ghost Hunter Rob Davies 'The Fearless Ghost Hunter' reveals his experiences with the supernatural. peep® Newcastle.

Ghost Hunter Rob Davies ‘The Fearless Ghost Hunter’ reveals his experiences with the supernatural. peep® Newcastle.

Ghost Hunter Rob Davies from ‘Dead Air‘ youtube Channel talks about unexplained supernatural experiences. Robe Davies talks openly about his sighting of the phantom R.A.F Hitchhiker ghost. The Hitchhiker ghost can sometimes been in Northumberland England.

We also discuss recording from The Cooperage Pub in Newcastle quayside. Rob explains hearing unexplained ghostly noises when he entered with his crew ‘Dead Air Radio’. Dead Air was the original media outfit that himself and friends invented to go out and ghost hunt in and around Newcastle.

Rob Davies talks about recording screams from the Biscuit factory, which is now and art gallery situated within the Shield Field area of Newcastle east end.

peep also take photographs of a house in South Shields that is terrorised by a Poltergeist. Rob Davies seemed to think the woman was connected to this supernatural force. peep also ask about the ghostly monk that has been seen many times at the castle Keep Newcastle, Witches at St Andrews Graveyard, Dick Turpin’s Gravesite in York and loads more..

Rob dropped into our peep studio which is located in central newcastle. Please Check out the full interview below.

Rob Davies talks about RAF Phantom Hitchhiker Ghost in Northumberland