Ghosts in Cambodia Supernatural Sighting.Lost Souls of Asia

Ghosts in Cambodia Lost Souls Of Asia. Supernatural stories and recollections of apparitions in Cambodia

peep discuss Ghosts in Cambodia, supernatural sightings and unexplained phenomenon. peep chat to ‘John’ on his return to Newcastle upon Tyne about his experiences in Cambodia and south East Asia. He discusses ghostly experiences in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Bangkok , Khao San Road and Thailand.

John has spent many years travelling alone in and around south East Asia and is originally from Newcastle upon Tyne. He has recently returned from a two year trip in Africa, where he stays with his girlfriend.

peep meet ‘John’ in our newcastle city centre studio and talk openly about his philosophy on the after life and if the dead are trying to contact us in some supernatural way. ‘John‘ ( real name unknown) talks of creepy hotel rooms where he was visited many times by Ghosts in Cambodia ‘Woman Of The Night’ also known as Prostitutes. He describes in detail about personal experiences, and claims to be visited by a ghosty family that situated around his bed.

Lost Souls Of Asia By peep

peep talk in depth of his sightings of prostitutes entering his rented room and vanishing through walls. peep try to find the answers to why they appear and what message may they be trying to tell us. John further explains to peep that he thinks they may of been trying to contact him or give him a message in some way.

The Highlander Experience

John describes one of the hotel rooms to be like a scene from ‘The Highlander’ film. The famous scene is when The Kurgan enters a seedy hotel and famously wispers “ Never Speak To Me Again” 

If you are interested in hearing the interview click this link – Lost Souls Of Asia by peep magazine

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