INCH Graffiti Newcastle Writer talks to peep®

inch graffiti in newcastle upon tyne by peep

Graffiti Writer – “INCH” explains Graffiti in Newcastle and how he was ‘All City’ in the North East. Check the exclusive interview with peep.

The inch graffiti tag in newcastle was extremely hard to miss around the the 90’s to early 2000’s. He was everywhere. From train stations, abandoned buildings, metro trains and self made exhibitions. Another form of marketing was the with DIY fanzines and publications he made promoting his work. He was a marketing machine and he definately paved the way for the street artists within the city today. while we are on the subject of Graffiti writers in Newcastle upon Tyne, can peep take this opportunity to promote our other exclusive editorial interview with Graff writer SICA. The magazine is available for print here Who is sica The Graffiti Writer and download peep magazine interview Sica the graffiti tagger

Pinch Inch‘ was the title in The Chronicle newspaper which placed a large target on his back. This exposure launched him into complete infamy within the under ground art scene here in the north east. His career has spanned over twenty years and does not look like slowing down any time soon. And Infact, if anything his crew has expanded.

peep discus the original T.N.S graff tag and the ‘The Night Stalker‘ Richard Ramirez connection. We also touch on influences such as legendary street artist – ‘Seen’, Subway Art, , Crews, Influences, Fanzines and Exhibitions.

‘INCH’ also explains where his passion for Graffiti art came from, which was watching older boys spraying on a wall and leaving the empty cans around. Seeing an opportunity, he quickly picked up the can and began his graffiti journey.

I formed largest Graffiti Crew in Newcastle T.N.S

We delve into the formation of the T.N.S graffiti crew and other artists he has worked with, including – ‘GATSB’ graffiti tag in Newcastle along with ‘Meds’ and Ponk and the rest of the infamous graffiti crew.

peep also cover where graffiti ‘bombing’ or ‘tagging’ street art originated from. which was discovered looking at a Stevie Wonder’s music album cover that clearly marks a Street graffiti ‘Tag’ behind him on a wall. Watch our exclusive interview with INCH below peep | INCH GRAFFITI ARTIST / WRITER LEGEND TALKS TNS to peep magazine in Newcastle upon Tyne

If your still very interested in “INCH” peep have revisited the entire structure and developed a second interview with the T.N.S Graff Crew below. peep® “INCH” outlines TNS North East Graffiti Crew Gatsb Meds Funk Royal Micro Ponk Nylon Skire Onas


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