Ken Masters Hip-Hop Music Pioneer talks to peep® Newcastle

ken master a pioneer of north east hip hop music talks to peep magazine

Ken Masters Hip Hop Pioneer Reflects on a Fragmented Music Scene Here In Newcastle and Supports Souls Of Mischief.

peep catch up with Newcastle based Rapper Ken Masters Hip Hop pioneer and DJ A.D.S. They both support Souls Of Mischief at the Cluny pub in Newcastle upon Tyne.

peep discuss a ‘Golden Age’ of Hip Hop music and culture from Newcastle‘s Black Swan Arts Centre. Fat Sam’s was the only night dedicated hip hop music back in 1995. Ken Masters, also explains the origins of his name which takes inspiration from the fictional ‘Street Fighter‘ character ‘Ken Masters’.

Ken Masters, was also the name of his Grandfather. The origins of the name also date back to the Indo-European people known as the ‘Celts’ Ken Masters.


Ken Masters, remembers a pre-internet time when crews and groups were forming and you had to make an effort to actually go out and meet each other. Ken’s ‘partner in rhyme ‘ – DJ A.D.S was a member of ‘The Scruffs’ and ‘Back To School’ was a platform for all breakdancing crews to meet up and dance and complete.

We also mention N.C.K and ‘Bad Taste Crew‘. peep magazine ask about the many ‘Beefs’ and rivalries within the Hip Hop fraternity here in Newcastle. Ken explains that everyone felt that they were doing things alone, but further explained that everyone takes inspiration through others. The rapper still insists the scene here in Newcastle is a fragmented one.

peep also mentions the term ‘Boom Bap‘ and sites KRS1 as an early innovator of this style of Hip Hop music.

Collecting records and making beats has always been a major part of Ken Master’s life. Craft Matic Beats‘ which is another musical platform he likes to express himself with. Ken has a deep history of collecting music and cannot ‘Pin Down’ one particular source of inspiration.

It’s at this point, peep changed location of the interview from the main stage of the Cluny due to many sound checks. peep begin were we left off and pick it up with another Hip Hop record label – Northentic Records. This record label is made from ‘Seek The Northerner‘ and rapper ‘Karlo‘.

Early influences called Cartoons !

We also find the time to mention early influential cartoons of the day, including Battle Of The Planets, Thundercats and the cult classic cartoon – Ulysses.

As a beat master and MC from Newcastle upon Tyne. Ken has developed the term ‘Prog Rap’ as an inspiration to ‘Prog Rock‘ , which means progressive rock music. Progressive Rap has a forward thinking mentality in the way Ken Masters develops his artistic vision. ‘Lockdown Memoirs‘ was another project born out of ‘Lockdown’.

Ken Masters believes people don’t think he is prolific, but insists :

” I think in the moment and sets himself a challenge and develop projects in new ways of engagement”.

Another project creation by Ken was ‘Let Us Breath‘ , which was a conversation platform discussion in response to the killing of George Floyd.

If your interested in hearing the full interview with Ken. Check it out below.

Ken Masters talks to peep magazine at the Cluny Bar supporting Souls Of Mischief