Robert Jefferson Northumbria Lecturer talks Animation with peep® Newcastle.

Robert Jefferson Course Leader at Northumbria University talks to peep

Robert Jefferson Northumbria Lecturer talks an Animations, 2000AD Influences and Family with Stan Laurel. It’s All Relative.

Robert Jefferson Northumbria Lecturer talks animation Influences, processes, and a family history that links back to Stan Laurel. peep took this opportunity to chat with Course Leader Robert as he used to teach us way back when !

Cliff Sainsbury enrolled within Northumbria to study media and Communications. The actual course has changed so much in recent years and is barely recognisable today. However, The animation department where Robert Jefferson works has not changed since we studied there. Ok, maybe the equipment has changed. Just.

peep also discuss his many popular culture influences such as Salems Lot, Twin Peaks and actor David Soul. Robert actually worked with David Soul and shared some of his memories.

We also discuss our love for Signal Intrusion Videos. Signal intrusion videos were made popular in the 60s by a man named ’Captain Midnight’ who famously infiltrated a live television broadcast, which famoulsy complained about the rising costs of Cable Television prices. I believe he disrupted the signal of a HBO television station for around four and a half minutes during prime time TV in America.

Laural & Hardy

Robert shares his connection with a famous family member by the name of Stan Laurel. Stan, was the other half of the famous due Laurel & Hardy. He was originally born in North Shields and Robert recalls major influences within his family history including theatre work and entertainment.

We also talks about the infamous F.B.I Murder Stories that captured America popular culture. Robert Jefferson also mentions working on the television set of the ’Spender Series’ featuring Jimmy Nail after the hugely popular ‘Geordie’ series ‘Auf Weirdersen Pet’. peep get another chance to showcase and discuss our love for 2000AD comics and characters including ‘Brigand Doom’ ‘Rogue Trooper’ and ‘Judge Dredd’.

It’s All Relative Northumbria University Lecturer Robert Jefferson talks animation influences and career with peep Newcastle