Fighting Chance Promotions Boxing In Newcastle By peep®

Fighting Chance Promotions Boxing Commissions peep® to cover Northern Area Title Fight.

Fighting Chance Promotions boxing were definitely heading in the right direction with having a complete stable of champions including Jon Lewis Dickenson and brother Travis Dickinson. The company had real ambition and entered the northern stage. Fighting Chance promoter Lewis Pendleton contacted peep with a view to filming and marketing their entire show, which would be uploaded to the correct channels.

It was a great opportunity for peep to expand into a multi camera set-up and utilise our professional commentary team which still consisted of Phil Lindsay and now Andrew Buchanen. We thought it all looked pretty good and so did fighting Chance Promotions boxing.

The show was to billed as ‘Invisible‘ and was to showcase and headline a vacant Northern Area title fight between two local boxing rivals – FULL FIGHT with Daniel Cope and Tom Whitfield. peep took the opportunity to film the entire show with both pre and post fight interviews with both fighters, which turned out to be a huge success for the boxing promotion. Fighting Chance wasn’t really a new promotion on the block, as it had been co-promoting in the past with top boxing promoter – Dennis Hobson.

A local company named ‘Made In Tyne & Wear‘ saw the opportunity and approached Fighting Chance with the hope of filming all their futures shows. Unfortunately, peep was dropped and Fighting Chance looked to greener grass, which was over there.. Large advertising deals were proposed and discussed, along with exciting television deals in the promise, but again, nothing really came of this ‘revolutionary’ local Newcastle television station, apart from poor coverage and many re-branding attempts. I put all this down to ‘Short Sightedness’ and lack of artistic vision on their behalf. Unfortunately, Made For Tyne and wear ( or whatever their name is ) could not see the bigger picture and desperately tried to secure other ‘peep clients’, but it all was not to be. I believe the station is still going……. who cares, no really, who cares.

All this being said. peep was to receive huge praise for filming this particular event. We feel the bar was raised for ‘Small Hall Boxing Shows‘ within Newcastle and further afield.

Watch the full show on our channel.Look for the playlist ‘Boxing’ and enjoy.