Kuei Ling Martial Arts Kickboxing Events Marketed by peep® Newcastle

Kuei Ling Martial Arts hires peep to Market International Kick-Boxing Event in South Shields.

Kuei Ling Martial Arts Kickboxing approached peep magazine in the hope of creating a narrative around the match -up against NATHAN McCARTHY and JAMES WATLING for the WKO Title Fight, which headlined on Duel Fight Sports 9 show in Newcastle, Ne6 Suite.

We also get a glimpse into the training of Nathan and his team at Kuei-Ling Kickboxing Academy in South Shields.We also double this up with an exclusive interview with James Watling. Both fighters were very respectful and have known each other for many years.

Lots of experts within the field remained to ‘sit on the fence‘ with this particular fight. Some fight fans were leading to James Watling’s experience over Nathan McCarthy’s youth as a fighter. peep filmed the entire show with commentary coming from Chris Clarke and Danny Missin. Please check out peep Flickr platform for more Kick-boxing Photography

Have a look for yourself and let us know what you think of the training and the fight itself.

Full fight with Nathan Mccarthy V James Watling for the WKO Tittle fight.