Solarglide Marine Blinds and Anti-Glare Screens for the Shipping Industry

solarglide Limited Product Photography by peep Ltd

Solarglide marine blinds and Anti-Glare Solar Screens for the shipping industry contact peep® for complete marketing and product photography

Solarglide marine blinds and anti glare screens. Solarglide Limited are the industry leaders in supplying, manufacturing and marketing maritime blinds to the cruise ship, commercial and private yacht industry sectors.

Solarglide Anti-Glare Solar Screens

Solarglide approached peep with the hope of presenting contemporary marketing media, including search engine optimisation techniques and ideas with professional photography to promote their latest products, which included – luxury faux leather blinds, wooden venetian blinds and new to the market – Dual 24 twin Solar Screens with Blackout or Dimout options.

Solarglide also wanted a selection of product videos, demonstration video and industry expert pieces of journalism to accompany their website and Youtube Channel. This was the kind of marketing campaigne that peep love to get involved with. peep did not stop there. We then embarked on the rich narrative of the maritime history

peep Marine Marketing

Solarglide marine blinds previously used Social Media and Video Production companies before, but felt let down with their lack of knowledge within the maritime industry. The over use of scheduled and pointless posts, did not reflect the companies vision or language. Unfortunately, this is common place within this industry. Their are many ‘social media’ and ‘video production’ agencies that have suddenly become marketing gurus and profess to turn your companies language around within weeks, but often always fail to visualise any product photography or marketing ideas or real marketing concepts to back this up. peep also planned a complete Search Engine Optimisation strategy and started to use the best industry standard key words and text structures within the Solarglide Limited website to optimise their reach. We basically re-structured the content of their product pages to reflect a contemporary market leader within the maritime industry.

Market Leaders Within The Maritime Blinds Industry

This S.E.O structure and innovative content has proved to be a vital part in the evolution of Solarglide Limited, causing many competitors to follow suit and mimic their brand, content and language. This has proved to peep that solarglide are now the market leaders within the maritime blinds industry.

peep Social Media Marketing

peep wanted to submerge themselves within the rich maritime history and present this artistically within solarglide’s social media platforms. We decided to embark on even more research into the some of the characters within the maritime history. Examples of this below: Was Captain Morgan a Real Person, Did Captain James Cook Have Tattoos, The Flying Dutchman, Was It Mary Read Or Mark Read and The Hand Of Franklin.The fatal maritime journey of the Erebus and The Terror. These were just some of the stories and mysteries peep touched on. peep decided to favour rich content instead of generic content.

UVA and UVB Radiation Can Damage Your Eyes.

peep’s first challenge was to highlight the many benefits Solarglide’s marine blinds and anti-glare screens have to offer whilst at sea. We embarked on a journey of video content marketing and research with industry experts, professional studies, and the effects of UV radiation whilst at sea. This can be on a commercial vessel, private Yacht or Cruise Liner. You can see one of our Expert Opinions videos here

Solarglide Professional Product Photography

peep also wanted to create professional product photography for their website and catalogue. Solarglide Dual 24 twin roller blinds allow two styles of blind material to be showcased and operated on one single marine window. By combining two different materials into one single cassette design, the user has access to 24-hour window shading. Dual 24 screens offer a high level of window coverage during both daytime and night-time hours. Bespoke Maritime Venetian blinds available in natural wood, faux Leather and handcrafted aluminium.

A Complete Design and Marketing Re-Brand of Home page and Solarglide Products

peep needed to showcase all products within the home page of the Solarglide Limited website. peep wanted to capture the potential customer within seconds of landing on the home page.

We re-designed the home page and incorporated Search Engine Optimisation research on all text included with ‘Key Word’ planning with all products within the maritime blinds industry. We wanted to photograph each blind to showcase the design and durability with each blind cassette. Below, are Concept designs with Professional Product Photography. If you wish to look at the Solarglide Website please follow this link