peep magazine interview the SICA Graffiti Writer. Everything You Wanted To Know About The Graff Artist. Special Edition.
Sica Graffiti Interview with peep There has been a lot of speculation to who or why we keep seeing the Graffiti Tag ‘SICA’ up and down the country. The ‘sica’ tag can be seen throughout Europe, on bridges, farmhouse buildings, fences, and bricked walls and motorway networks including A1/M1, A19, A64. Even if you do not appreciate graffiti artist, tagger or bomber, you must acknowledge the dedication and effort that has gone into ‘getting up’ with a spray can in and around the Uk and Europe.
Viagra ja Cialis ovat tunnettuja ja luotettavia lääkkeitä, jotka auttavat saavuttamaan ja ylläpitämään vahvan erektion. Näiden lääkkeiden avulla voit parantaa seksuaalista suorituskykyäsi ja elämänlaatuasi merkittävästi. Molemmat lääkkeet toimivat rentouttamalla verisuonia ja lisäämällä verenvirtausta penikseen, mikä mahdollistaa luonnollisen ja kestävän erektion. Osta helposti ja edullisesti teholääkkeitä, kuten Viagra ja Cialis, ilman reseptiä osoitteesta . Tämä verkkosivusto tarjoaa yksinkertaisen ja turvallisen tavan hankkia tehokkaita lääkkeitä erektiohäiriön hoitoon Suomessa. Voit tilata lääkkeet suoraan kotiovellesi ilman lääkärikäyntiä tai reseptiä, mikä säästää aikaa ja rahaa.
Who Is The SICA Graffiti Person
The one question every graffiti lover or fan of the urban street art is wondering . . . who is sica? where is sica? What does SICA mean? There must be some kind of graffiti crew going around spraying the SICA Graff tag all over the uk and Europe? Or is there just one person or a graffiti crew who is responsible for this art or vandalism. If there is just one person, who is this person and what motivated him or her to spray the graffiti tag all over the place. This does lead on to another question.. Is the Graff Writer male or female? There has been a lot of speculation that the SICA artist is female. A conversation with a friend just last week, remembered a conversation he had with an independent art gallery owner – the owner was adamant the sica artist was female. I mean he would bet his house on it ! Well, peep can safely say – you gonna loose that house !
peep Met SICA in Ath-Leisure Clothing Store
Yeah, peep have good knowledge that the graffiti writer SICA is definately male. You know how we know? Because we met him around 15 years ago. He actually came walking into a clothes store with mutual friend. We were all looking at clothes of the time, Paul & Shark, Lacoste, North Sales and Napapijri. Back then, the store was called ‘Ath -Leisure’ It was situated at the bottom of Northumberland Street. The Newcastle based clothing store was a conversational point if you lived in Newcastle and appreciated ‘nice clothes for men’. Ath-Leisure imported the latest Lacoste tracksuits and sports wear from around the world, and I was running the Lacoste department. I used to meet a lot of people buying this gear. Honestly, you wouldn’t believe the people I met. There were Rockstars on tour, local celebrities and footballers all wanting the latest clothing imports and trainers. I even ended up chatting to Ian Brown from The Stone Roses in there, resulting in him giving me free tickets for his ‘Monkey Business’ tour, Anyway, I met him in there a few times. Of course, I was unaware he was the illusive graffiti writer ‘SICA’ at the time, but was kind of aware there was some kind of Newcastle upon Tyne urban street culture connection.
peep get another Exclusive With The Elusive Graffiti Artist/Tagger/Writer/Bomber
The actual interview with ‘SICA’ had been a long time in the making. It all stemmed from another interview we did with the Graffiti Artist YETI if you have not see this interview I suggest you check it out on the peep website. while peep are on the subject – you may as well check out another exclusive we did with INCH GRAFFITI WRITER LEGEND Anyway, ‘The YETI Graffiti Artist‘ explained that peep magazine should definetely interview SICA. I mean, peep had to, there was no thought process. This however, proved easier said then done. Firstly, it was hit dubious if he would even be interested. The odds were that he wouldn’t. He’s never done an interview before. . .
It Took One Year To Interview Graff Legend SICA
Over the years, peep website and the peep magazine publication have built up a trust network, not only interviewing Graffiti Artists, but interviewing North East of England entrepreneurs, sports professionals and independent business owners, who are sometimes, very private about letting media publications or platforms into their premises and looking around and asking all sorts of questions about their inspirations and failures as business owners in Newcastle upon Tyne. Graffiti artists and writers especially, love what the peep website represents, and, what we are doing for the under-represented artist in Newcastle upon Tyne and this was our in road into the secretive world of the graffiti artists fraternity.
peep magazine printed publication in Newcastle upon Tyne
As peep website is a special edition alternative independent publication based in Newcastle upon Tyne, we knew this peep magazine edition had to be printed. peep spent a bit of time researching the best possible size and distribution for this sica interview exclusive. We also wanted to develop our ‘mega narratives‘ marketing campaign, which is synonymous with our Guerrilla marketing platform and runs throughout the entire magazine, yes, the interview is the entire magazine. We dedicated the entire peep magazine to sica the graff writer. The printed peep magazine publication can be purchased here who is sica the graffiti writer interview if you would prefer to check out the digital download please go to peep magazine digital publication We hope you enjoy our journalism throughout the North East of England. Please follow and subscribe to our channels here peep facebook and peep youtube channel Thanks for reading. we hope you enjoy the only detailed interview with the Graffiti bomber – ‘SICA’. Enjoy, peep