peep magazine Issue 9 The Hunger Edition.

peep newcastle website logo. registered trademark of the peep magazine brand and publication

peep magazine issue 9. The Hunger Edition. Photography and Journalism. Independent publication in Newcastle

peep magazine issue 9 ‘the Hunger’ edition. Whats inside this 38 pages self published alternative digital magazine.

MENACE TO SOCIETY Kickboxing matchmaker and Duel Fight sports Promoter – David Wield talks about the rise of Kickboxing star Paul ‘the Menace’ Venis. peep have documented Paul Venis fights with Duel fight Sports here.

SHOCK CALL-UP SEES NEW WORLD CHAMPION. Lukasz Parobiec the tough Mixed Martial Arts fighter now based in Consett gets a suprise call for a A – Man Tournament. peep interview Lukasz Parobiec at Duel Fight Sports home the Ne6 Suite in walker, Newcastle. If your interested in hearing the man himself, check it out below

Lukasz Parobiec talks to peep magazine with Duel Fight Sports

Vision Health and Fitness gym VHF launches it’s first Multi-Plex gym right her in Gateshead Newcastle. Owner Mark Clauzel is looking to the future and plans to host boxing events here in Gateshead.

MICHAEL FERRY WKEND SPAR. peep newcastle gets exclusive access to this unique and behind the scenes spar in Vision Health and Fitness gym. BOXING ROUND -UP A selection of hand picked Boxers from around the world.

Lee Robson gives us his expert analysis on todays market within the professional sport of boxing within Newcastle upon tyne and further afield.

SAS Channel 4 star Ryan Roddy. Ryan Roddy asked peep to join him and stand -up training and boxing training with Mark Clauzel in the run -up to his fight with mixed Martial arts fighter Chris Fishgold for M4TC Newcastle.

peep have heavily documented all areas covered in this particular issue. If you would like to watch the footage , please follow this link peep magazine issue 9 official peep channel newcastle

peep magazine The hunger issue with lone wolf on front cover by Cliff Sainsbury.